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4-5 october 2013, 7:30 pm @ The Horse Hospital (Colonnade, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 1JD)

Tripoteca is the only international psychedelic film and arts festival, that focuses on film and art revolving around metaphysical matters, the expansion of consciousness and abstract aesthetics.

Tripoteca 2013 will reveal meta-wonders upon two nights and will feature more than 50 films, animations and music videos from 17 countries accompanied by an exhibition of digital art from across the Globe.

First day will bring a cosmic opening ceremony with a live music concert and a live VJ act.

The short films of this year's edition are out of this world but still come from the following Earth-lands: [AR], [AU], [CA], [CN], [DE], [ES], [FI], [FR], [IE], [IL], [IT], [JP],[RO], [RU], [SW], [UK], [US].

Full list of films HERE.

Digital art by: Nomadi Cortex [UK], Dion Dion [UK], Anai Greog [RO], Totemical [CA], Ori Toor [IL], KOKOFREAKBEAN [US], Lucas Simoes [BR], Keerych Luminokaya [RU] + + illustrations by Pyxius [DK].

Live music act: Serj [RO] -electric violin + more electronics

VJ: Magali Marc [FR] -

Curator: Adrian Manolescu

Warning: event not recommanded to folks who suffer from epilepsy.

Tripoteca is merely a pawn in the celestial Game of bringing infinite light through mind-bending art.



19:30 - open doors / exhibition

20:30 - concert + VJ performance

21:15 - short films

22:30 - break

22:45 - short films

23:45 - Q&A


20:00 - open doors / exhibition

21:00 - short films

22:15 - break

22:30 - short films

23:30 - Q&A

The first edition took place in 2012 at cinema Gloria, Bucharest, and this year the second edition will make a tour and start off in London. Afterwards it will travel to Sofia, Bucharest and Paris.

Parteners: Breaking Convention, UKC Psychedelics Society, Don't Panic, Brain Wash, Psychedelic Press UK, Waha Festival, Transylvania Calling, All Hallow, Romanian Cultural Center London.