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23th -25th of May, 20:00 @ Tranzit House


Facebook event


The second edition of Tripoteca – the only international psychedelic film & arts festival – is currently on a world tour and for the first time in Cluj-Napoca.

Tripoteca 2014 @ Cluj takes place for three nights, between 23th-25th of May at Tranzit House (str. Baritiu nr. 16 - Entrance through the Nameless Street) and will be the landings spots for over 60 short films, animations and music videos from 17 countries, an exhibition of digital art from across the Globe, video installations, live music and visuals from another dimension, beyond time and space.

All revolve around metaphysical matters, the expansion of consciousness and abstract aesthetics. All have the purpose to give birth to an intense internal journey.


Alpha Teaser:

Omega Teaser:


Full line-up of films HERE


Artă digitală by: Anai Greog [RO], Daniel Bega [RO], Mircea Pop [RO], Kitră [RO], Silviu Andrisoi [RO], Roxana Benea [RO], Nomadi Cortex [UK], Dion Dion [UK], Totemical [CA], Ori Toor [IL], KOKOFREAKBEAN [US], Lucas Simoes [BR], Keerych Luminokaya [RU], Pyxius [DK], Metatron'acid [FR]


Live music set by Rodion G.A. [RO]șca


Live video performance by Magali Marc [FR]


Live spray painting by Zolee [RO]


Video installations:


- 6/64 by Morgan Beringer [UK]


- excerpts from Les Religions Sauvages directed by Le Dernier Cri [FR]


Ilustrații de Cosmin Mihai Moraru [RO]


Curator: Adrian Manolescu


Tripoteca is a completely independent project kept alive only by artists that want to see cultural evolution and by a public with an open mind. Your support is vital and will be greatly appreciated.


Tickets can be purchased on-site on the day of the event:

30 lei / 3 day pass + Tripoteca Third Eye Glasses

15 lei / ticket for 23th of May

15 lei / ticket for 24th of May

10 lei / ticket for 25th of May




Friday, 23th of May:

20:00 – 21:00 – open gates / exhibition

21:00 – 21:45 – live acts: Rodion G.A. + Magali Marc

21:45 – 22:45 – short films

22:45 – 23:00 – break

23:00 – 00:00 – short films

00:00 – 00:30 – Q&A / chill-after


Saturday, 24th of May:

20:00 – 21:00 – open gates / exhibition + live spray paiting by Zolee

21:00 – 22:00 – short films

22:00 – 22:15 – break

22:15 – 23:15 – short films

23:15 – 00:00 – Q&A / chill-after


Sunday, 25th of May:

20:00 – 21:00 – open gates / exhibition + live spray paiting by Zolee

21:00 – 22:00 – short films

22:00 – 22:15 – break

22:15 – 23:15 – short films

23:15 – 00:00 – Q&A / chill-after


Warning: event not recommanded to folks who suffer from epilepsy.


Tripoteca is merely a pawn in the celestial Game of bringing infinite light through mind-bending art.



Tranzit Foundation - supported by Communitas Foundation,  Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.

APAR -  Association Parisienne des Artistes Roumains


Media Parteners: Transindex, Paprika Rádió, VICE, Cluj Life, Institutul Francez Cluj-Napoca, WAHA, Thrancians, Transylvania Calling, Groove On!, Psyonic, Samsara TeaHouse, Psychedelic Society, Vin si Eu






23-25 mai, ora 20:00 @ Casa Tranzit


Facebook event


Cea de-a doua ediție a festivalului internațional itinerant de film și artă psihedelică Tripoteca se află într-un turneu mondial și ajunge pentru prima dată în Cluj.


Tripoteca 2014 @ Cluj are loc între 23 și 25 mai la Casa Tranzit (str. Baritiu nr. 16. - Intrarea de pe strada Fără Nume), unde vor ateriza peste 60 de scurt-metraje, animații si videoclipuri din 17 țări, o expoziție de artă digitală de pe tot Globul, instalații video, muzică și visualuri live. Toate gravitează în jurul subiectelor metafizice și a tematicilor abstracte, cu scopul lărgirii conștiinței si nașterii unei călătorii interioare intense.


Alpha Teaser:

Omega Teaser:


Programul filmelor îl găsiți AICI


Artă digitală de: Anai Greog [RO], Daniel Bega [RO], Mircea Pop [RO], Kitră [RO], Silviu Andrisoi [RO], Roxana Benea [RO], Nomadi Cortex [UK], Dion Dion [UK], Totemical [CA], Ori Toor [IL], KOKOFREAKBEAN [US], Lucas Simoes [BR], Keerych Luminokaya [RU], Pyxius [DK], Metatron'acid [FR]


Muzică live: Rodion G.A. [RO] -șca

Performance video live: Magali Marc [FR] -


Live spray painting by Zolee [RO]


Instalații video:


Picturi by Kero Zen [RO]


Ilustrații de Cosmin Mihai Moraru [RO]


Curator: Adrian Manolescu


Tripoteca este un proiect în totalitate independent, născut de către artiști ce doresc să vadă evoluție culturală și menținut în viață exclusiv de către un public cu mintea deschisă. Susținerea este vitală pentru continuarea activității.


Preţul biletelor care pot fi achiziţionate la faţa locului în ziua evenimentului:


30 lei / abonament 3 zile + Tripoteca Third Eye Glasses

15 lei / bilet 23 mai

15 lei / bilet 24 mai

10 lei / bilet 25 mai




Vineri, 23 mai:

20:00 – 21:00 – deschiderea porților / expoziție 

21:00 – 21:45 – live acts: Rodion G.A. + Magali Marc

21:45 – 22:45 – scurt-metraje

22:45 – 23:00 – pauză

23:00 – 00:00 – scurt-metraje

00:00 – 00:30 – Q&A / chill-after


Sâmbătă, 24 mai:

20:00 – 21:00 – deschiderea porților / expoziție + live spray paiting by Zolee

21:00 – 22:00 – scurt-metraje

22:00 – 22:15 – pauză

22:15 – 23:15 – scurt-metraje

23:15 – 00:00 – Q&A / chill-after


Duminică, 25 mai:

20:00 – 21:00 – deschiderea porților / expoziție + live spray paiting by Zolee

21:00 – 22:00 – scurt-metraje (all Romanian)

22:00 – 22:15 – pauză

22:15 – 23:15 – scurt-metraje (all Romanian)

23:15 – 00:00 – Q&A / chill-after


Atenție: Evenimentul nu este recomandat persoanelor care suferă de epilepsie.


Tripoteca este doar un simplu pion în Jocul Galactic menit să aducă lumină infinită prin artă ce îndoaie mințile.



Fundația Tranzit - susținută de Fundația Communitas, Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt

APAR -  Association Parisienne des Artistes Roumains


Media Parteners: Transindex, Paprika Rádió, VICE, Cluj Life, Institutul Francez Cluj-Napoca, WAHA, Thrancians, Transylvania Calling, Groove On!, Psyonic, Samsara TeaHouse, Psychedelic Society, Vin si Eu






2014. május 23-25., Tranzit Ház


Facebook esemény


A Tripoteca 2014 az egyetlen Nemzetközi Film és Pszichedelikus Művészeti fesztivál, amely jelenleg egy világkörüli turnén van. A fesztivál második kiadása először érkezik Kolozsvárra, a Tripoteca Fesztivál és a Tranzit Alapítvány közös szervezésében.


A fesztiválra 2014. május 23-25. között kerül sor a Tranzit Házban (Barițiu/Malom u. 16. – bejárat a Névtelen utca felől) melynek keretén belül a kolozsvári közönség 17 országból érkező 60 rövidfilmet, egy digitális művészeti kiállítást és videó-installációkat láthat. Rodion G.A. (az elektronikus rock képviselője) is koncertezik a fesztivál első napján.

Mindezek a munkák elvont metafizikai témák körül mozognak, és megteremtik a tudatban végbemenő intenzív belső utazás lehetőségeit.


Alpha Teaser:

Omega Teaser:


A filmek programja


Digitális művészet: Anai Greog [RO], Daniel Bega [RO], Mircea Pop [RO], Kitră [RO], Silviu Andrisoi [RO], Roxana Benea [RO], Nomadi Cortex [UK], Dion Dion [UK], Totemical [CA], Ori Toor [IL], KOKOFREAKBEAN [US], Lucas Simoes [BR], Keerych Luminokaya [RU], Pyxius [DK], Metatron'acid [FR]


Koncert: Rodion G.A. [RO] -șca


Videó performansz: Magali Marc [FR] -


Videó installációk:

- 6/64 by Morgan Beringer [UK] -

- részletek a Les Religions Sauvages, rendezte Le Dernier Cri [FR] –

+ további helyi művészek és egyéb események hamarosan


Kurátor: Adrian Manolescu


A Tripoteca egy művészek által alapított, teljesen független projekt, akik a kulturális fejlődést szeretnék megtapasztalni, és amelyet csakis egy nyitott gondolkodású közönség által lehet fenntartani.


A helyszínen vásárolható jegyek ára:

30 lei / 3 napos bérlet + Tripoteca Third Eye Glasses

15 lei / napijegy (május 23)

15 lei / napijegy (május 24)

10 lei / napijegy (május 25)




Péntek, május 23.:

20:00 – 21:00 – Kapunyitás / kiállítás

21:00 – 21:45 – Koncert és videó performansz: Rodion G.A. és Magali Marc

21:45 – 22:45 – Rövidfilmek

22:45 – 23:00 – Szünet

23:00 – 00:00 – Rövidfilmek

00:00 – 00:30 – Q&A / chill-after


Szombat, május 24.:

20:00 – 21:00 – Kapunyitás / kiállítás

21:00 – 22:00 – Rövidfilmek

22:00 – 22:15 – Szünet

22:15 – 23:15 – Rövidfilmek

23:15 – 00:00 – Q&A / chill-after


Vasárnap, május 25.:

20:00 – 21:00 – Kapunyitás / kiállítás

21:00 – 22:00 – Kövidfilmek (all Romanian)

22:00 – 22:15 – Szünet

22:15 – 23:15 – Rövidfilmek (all Romanian)

23:15 – 00:00 – Q&A / chill-after


Figyelem! Epilepsziában szenvedők személyek számára az esemény nem ajánlott.


További információk:


Tranzit Alapítvány – támogatók Communitas Alapítvány, Bethlen Gábor Alapkezelő Zrt.
APAR - Association Parisienne des Artistes Roumains

Médiapartnerek: Transindex, Paprika Rádió, VICE, Cluj Life, Francia Kulturális Intézet Kolozsvár, WAHA, Thrancians, Transylvania Calling, Groove On!, Psyonic, Samsara TeaHouse, Psychedelic Society, Vin si Eu